Friday, November 23, 2012

We have a winner!

Thank you all who entered by answering the question "What are some little things that have happened to you recently that brought big-time happiness?" on my Facebook wall! And congrats to the winner who won one of these adorable owl hats! 

There were 5 people who correctly entered the contest. Here they are in random order:
  1. Nikki R
  2. Shannon S
  3. Leah G
  4. Jen P
  5. Kayla C
And as always, in all fairness, I used the True Random Number Generator on Random dot com to select the winning participant

Min:    2

So what does this mean to you?  It means that we have a winner!  Congrats to Shannon S!  You have 48 hours to contact me to claim your prize and to let me know the size and up to 2 colors you would like your hat to be.  

Again, thank you to all who answered the question "What are some little things that have happened to you recently that brought big-time happiness?" 

And here are the answers that were given, in no particular order:

**Volunteering as a tech to spay and neuter 29 cats last Saturday with the West River Spay Neuter Coalition. Felt amazing!

**(My daughter) loves to help with the dishwasher also, the silverware n her plates on the bottom at least. The little joys they bring to us.

**I went to an exercise class for Sr's and was the youngest there but it was so fun knowing that someday I will have a group of friends to giggle and laugh with.

**Being the kind of person who people trust and have enough confidence in to recommend. Literally was laughing out loud at the blessing of it last week. it's humbling, and I thank God DAILY for His mercy and light shining in me.

**My kids... my daughter telling me everyday that I'm the best mommy she's ever had! And, my 2 year old son, loves to help me empty the dishwasher, you can see the huge sense of accomplishment on his little face. Those are the little things in life that bring a smile to my face.

 I loved all your answers! And I hope that you all had a wonderfully blessed Thanksgiving....and always remember that it's the "little things" in our lives that we are most thankful for :)  I am thankful for each and every one of my friends and fans!  Blessings to you!

Now, get on over to The Little Things and enjoy a 25% off sale!  Etsy code BFDEAL! Happy shopping!

And no matter where you do your Christmas shopping this year, consider including something handmade from any of the many local small business owners. We truly appreciate every sale and every customer! 


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Thank you for your comments. I love hearing from you. Now would you mind "sharing" the love on your facebook wall? I would love hearing from your friends too :)